The National Service Scheme (NSS) at the university is a platform that exemplifies our commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. With the belief that education should not be confined to classrooms alone, NSS encourages students to actively participate in community service and outreach programs. Through various initiatives, such as environmental conservation, healthcare camps, and educational projects, NSS instills in students a sense of empathy and social awareness. The NSS volunteers are driven by the spirit of selfless service and work tirelessly to make a positive impact on society. By being a part of NSS, students not only enrich their own lives but also contribute to the betterment of the communities they serve, embodying the true spirit of social responsibility and citizenship.

NSS Units



Awards Recieved by the University NSS UNits

National Awards

Awards Recieved for the Academic Year 2017-2018

Our Student Jagadeshwari from Andhra University College of Arts & Commerce have bagged National Service Scheme for her outstanding social service through NSS

Our Student Mahindranath bagged National Service Scheme for her outstanding social service through NSS

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